
With the good weather we’ve been having, everyone seems to be in a better mood than usual and this has certainly been reflected on social media platforms. Brands have really been leveraging the heatwave on social, and we’ve put together some of our top insights to inspire you this week on your own platforms.

Behind the scenes posts

Companies are going wild in the hot weather, with ice-cream treats for staff, company BBQs and more. They are also sharing more of this content to their social platforms. It’s important to note how well this content performs, and not just because of the sunny background! Images of staff showcase the company culture and employee wellbeing. It increases your employer branding and drives engagement from your internal teams, increasing the reach of your posts. So don’t let this kind of content slip after the heatwave, ensure it is factored into your content calendar going forward!


Going Visual

Now that the weather is fine and we have plenty of sunshine, everything has suddenly become very insta-worthy, prompting companies to post lots more imagery and video. You will notice that these are very powerful in terms of generating traffic to company pages, increasing followers and the chances of posts being shared or retweeted. It is important, even in less-sunnier weather, to dedicate time to building up this bank of visual content so that it can be shared and repurposed again and again.


Social listening

It’s safe to say that in the past two weeks, Irish people have gotten a little hot and bothered about the weather and we’re being very vocal about it on social media, leaving everything from complaints to requests on the pages of our favourite brands. A sense of shared love, yet loathing of the heat has spurred social media moderators to engage with and reply to followers’ posts, becoming more active and present than usual. Brands are paying more attention than ever to their followers’ requests, reacting with special promos, more in-depth tutorial videos and more. This is the level of engagement that inspires brand advocacy and this should be maintained even when the sun goes behind the clouds.


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Susie founded Springboard in 2011, and has developed the business into a leading, director-led communications agency. She has worked for over 20 years in senior marketing and public relations roles.

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