International Women’s Day (IWD) takes place every year on March 8, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. If you are creating an event or celebrating the day at your business, how can you effectively communicate this to your key stakeholders?



Every year, a number of organisations celebrate IWD with events such as coffee mornings, breakfast briefings, and seminars etc.

For example:

If you are attending one of these events, you can:

  • Create a post on LinkedIn, to let people know that you will be attending this event.
  • Post a picture on social media, of the company’s staff at this event. You can tag relevant organisations in the picture.


Every year, IWD has a different theme. This year’s is #BeBoldForChange.(Read here for more)  If you are creating posts around this event, make sure to use this hashtag as it will likely be trending on the day, and ensures visibility for your content.

Some other hashtags you can use are:


If you blog for your business, you can build content around this theme as there will be a vast social media presence on the day. Sharing this content across your platforms, using the designated hashtag for the day, will allow you reach an audience you may not have reached before.

Blog topics you might consider include:

  • Any event you are hosting at work to mark the occasion
  • Advice from women in leadership
  • Article on female entrepreneurship
  • A guest blog from one of your company’s senior female executives


CSR initiatives

If your company is involved in women’s initiatives as part of their CSR, you should promote this on the day across your social media platforms and LinkedIn profiles. Alternatively, you can promote staff that support female mentoring/training programmes, or are involved in any women’s associations such as Network Ireland and the Irish Women Lawyers Association.


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Post by
Susie founded Springboard in 2011, and has developed the business into a leading, director-led communications agency. She has worked for over 20 years in senior marketing and public relations roles.

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