Over-C, the Irish data and analytics technology company, and O2, the leading digital communications company, today unveiled details of their new five year technology partnership with the announcement of their first UK client, ScotRail, Scotland’s national rail service provider. The technology partnership enables O2 to offer Over-C’s digital transformation solution to new and existing clients in the UK, under the name O2 Smart Compliance.

ScotRail, which manages more than 350 stations across Scotland and employs over 5,000 people, has signed a five year agreement to use O2 Smart Compliance, as part of their commitment to increase safety and facilitate compliance.

O2 Smart Compliance, which is powered by Over-C, is a digital transformation solution that uses big data and analytics to deliver detailed insights into business operations. Using standard mobile devices and strategically placed sensors to provide transparency of operations through real-time data, it enables business leaders to rethink their business and operating models, driving performance and ensuring compliance. In the first month alone, the technology has led to operational savings of up to 20% for Over-C’s clients and, on average, a 50% increase in operational performance.

Built for all industries and tailored to the needs of the customer, it essentially allows an organisation to quickly and accurately identify who did what, where and when, by analysing the real-time data captured in powerful dashboards.

Commenting on the announcement, Michael Elliott, CEO of Over-C said: “After two years developing our technology to enterprise grade, we are delighted to announce this partnership with O2, whose commitment to innovation matches our own. The key business change enabled by this platform is the increased transparency of operations, allowing risks to be understood and mitigated, while also facilitating compliance and transforming paper to digital reporting.

“This partnership will allow us to increase the reach and impact of our ground-breaking solution, passing on the proven benefits to forward-looking clients, such as ScotRail.”

Vinnett Taylor, Head of IoT sales for O2, added: “At O2, we are constantly on the lookout for strategic partners that offer disruptive solutions that allow us to deliver quantifiable transformative impacts for our enterprise customers. Our goal was to offer an Internet of Things solution that combined innovative connected devices with scalable, customisable solutions, bringing together sensor data, cloud storage, machine learning and enhanced connectivity. Over-C’s platform delivers on all counts.


“We are excited to roll out this solution to our customers seeking to digitally transform their organisation, by allowing them to analyse performance trends and operational costs, address safety and productivity concerns and record a digital audit trail.”


Commenting on the predicted impact of O2 Smart Compliance Stephen Elliot, Security Manager for ScotRail, added: “Safety and compliance are key priorities for ScotRail. We have an obligation to protect customers and employees while they’re on railway property and we needed a fully-customisable, secure and paperless system to meet the needs of all our services. This solution enables ScotRail to prove our compliance to the requirements of the National Railway Security Programme developed by the Land Transport Security division of the Department of Transport.


“We can now monitor and visualise what is happening in real time on our trains and in our stations, and empower our staff to take immediate and preventative measures. This will ultimately improve the safety of our passengers and staff, and increase compliance.”

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