Are you scheduling your social media content?
We’ve all been victim to that mad morning scramble, looking for something to tweet while also balancing the ever-increasing workload and 11am meeting. In everyday life it’s hard to do it all, particularly with social media, which is why forward planning is integral for effective online strategies. It means that your posts across Facebook and Twitter can be motivating rather than monotonous; dashing not dull.
Start with weekly content for your social media apps by writing in bulk, and build it up to monthly scheduling. By planning ahead with a content calendar, this will allow greater freedom for real time updates more pertinent to the present.
The key is variety when it comes to posting, keeping it fresh and engaging for followers at different levels.
- Provide a link to your updated weekly blog post
- Engage with questions
- Try visuals like infographics or the latest visual buzz cinemagraphs (Images on Twitter get re-tweeted approximately twice as often)
- Share or re-tweet articles about the industry you are in
- Post about upcoming events or launches
There are some great tools to help implement such a social media calendar, allowing you schedule messages for future publishing. Options include the likes of Buffer ( or Hootsuite ( which also provide social media analytics to give you an in-depth view of how well your social media efforts are being received.
Remember with social media that the old quote “if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail” rings true. So sit back, grab a coffee, and give a week’s scheduling a go… you’ll be amazed just how effective it can be.
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