Cork International Hotel on board with BUMBLEance, helping sick children across the Rebel County
The Cork International Hotel are delighted to announce BUMBLEance – The Children’s National Ambulance Service, as their new charity partner for 2017.
BUMBLEance is the world’s first fully interactive, state-of-the-art ambulance service designed specifically for children. It provides a free service for critically and seriously ill kids throughout Ireland who require transportation between their home and to and from children’s hospitals, national treatment centres, respite and hospice care facilities. BUMBLEance also provides the unique Angel Trip – the last journey a terminally-ill child will take to or from hospital.
Speaking at the charity partnership launch today, general manager of the Cork International Hotel, Carmel Lonergan said: “The management team and staff at the Cork International Hotel are very excited to have chosen BUMBLEance as our charity partner for 2017.
“BUMBLEance makes a massive difference to so many sick children and their families throughout Ireland and they are currently working on expanding their services specifically for the South West region through their new BUMBLEette service. We want to be a part of this exciting venture; hence, we are implementing a variety of fundraising initiatives throughout 2017 in support of this wonderful charity.”
The new South West BUMBLEette service will facilitate young patients who do not require full ambulance support with a paramedic on board, but who nonetheless are seriously ill and will require transportation to and from treatment centres nationwide.
The South West BUMBLEette will also be utilised as a Chemo Cab service and will facilitate wheelchair and stretcher usage, whilst enabling family members to travel with their loved ones in a safe, comfortable and secure environment.
The first of the Cork International Hotel’s fundraising initiatives for BUMBLEance will be The Cork International Car Show in association with Cork Airport, which will take place on Sunday, 2 April, 2017 from 10am – 5pm. This exciting, inaugural event will showcase a variety of original motors including vintage and American cars, Harleys and Goldwings. Entry is free for both exhibiters and children and there will be lots of entertainment for all the family on the day. Entry fee for adults is €5, with the full amount being donated directly to BUMBLEance.
Tony Heffernan, founder and CEO of BUMBLEance said: “We are thrilled to have the Cork International Hotel on board with BUMBLEance, as they will make a massive difference to our fundraising drive for a new South West BUMBLEette service.
“Our main goal is to achieve an Ireland where the fear and stress of an ambulance journey for a child no longer exists. We know our goals can be realised through the hard work and dedication of our wonderful friends and supporters such as the Cork International Hotel. We look forward to helping even more sick children throughout Cork city and county as we work towards getting a new South West BUMBLEette on the road.”
For enquiries and bookings for The Cork International Car Show in association with Cork Airport, please contact Sandra Murphy: T: (021) 4549879. E: smurphy@corkinternationalhotel.com. Exhibition space is free but needs to be booked in advance.
For additional information on BUMBLEance, please contact: T: 083 0044444 E: info@BUMBLEance.com.
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