Cork’s first Open House weekend to showcase architectural gems
Open House Cork, a unique event which will exhibit the private and public architectural treasures of the city to the public over the course of a weekend, is reaching out to the people of Cork to get involved in what promises to be a very memorable experience.
The initiative, which will take place from April 10th-12th 2015, is run almost entirely by architectural graduates and young architects. Open House Cork will offer the public an exclusive opportunity to explore the outstanding array of architecture on their own doorstep.
Open House is reaching out to people who own or live in buildings of architectural interest to get involved in the programme and showcase their houses to the public.
It is also calling on people to volunteer for the Open House weekend. Becoming a volunteer gives you the chance to be part of Cork’s inaugural edition of Open House and gain access to some of the city and county’s most architecturally interesting buildings, all of which will be free of charge. With up to 35 buildings featured in the programme, Open House Cork will showcase the most impressive houses, churches, galleries and landmarks through a series of events.
Stemming from the success of other Open House events which have taken place both nationally and internationally, the weekend will consist of lectures, children’s activities, student projects and free building visits. The Open House experience hopes to engage audiences of all backgrounds and interests, with the aim of demonstrating how architecture can be a force of good culturally, socially and economically.
Speaking about Cork’s first Open House weekend, Danny Holland, Chairperson of Open House Cork, commented: “I am delighted that Open House is happening in Cork. The event highlights the importance of architecture, both as it impacts us in our daily lives and as an expression of ourselves as a society. Furthermore, it invites everyone to understand the value of a well-designed environment.”
He went on to say: “The fact that those running this event are all doing so voluntarily shows the dedication and passion they have for architecture. Open House Cork will play a crucial role in nurturing and promoting this love of design and will hopefully encourage others to follow in the same direction.”
Whether you are an architectural enthusiast or are completely new to the world of design, all are welcome to volunteer. Open House Cork is a new and innovative representation of Cork’s architectural identity and you can play a vital role in its success by opening up your building or volunteering. If you would like to get involved or need further information please contact hello@openhousecork.ie.
Open House Cork will complement Cork’s existing offering of cultural events, including Cork Heritage Open Day and Culture Night, which take place in August and September respectively.
For more information, please see www.openhousecork.ie
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