Is your website capturing that crucial data your business needs for lead generation and sales? Do you have strong landing pages that entice your website users to freely give up their contact details? If you don’t, your website is not working hard enough for you! Your business can only grow in the way you want it to when you have a robust database of potential, new, and existing clients. And the key to capturing those new and potential customer details lies in your landing pages.
A landing page is any page on your website that is aimed at converting a user to a customer. It’s the page you purposely send readers to in order to start a conversation that will lead to a conversion or sale.
Every good landing page will feature a strong call-to-action, where your users submit their contact details in return for a newsletter, a free top-tips article, a free webinar or a discount offer – the choice is yours. You don’t have to spend a huge amount of time and money on design and concepts for landing pages; less is more, but ensure your call-to-action stands out, in a contrasting colour or centre-page.
Here are three simple and very effective landing pages:
Litmus – analytics for emails. A clean, minimal landing page with a short explainer paragraph and a strong call-to-action.
Contently – applications and systems for content marketing. One strong central image, a simple tag line and three clear calls-to-action.
Campaign Monitor – email marketing. An uncluttered page with a brief, straightforward introduction to the service and two strong calls-to-action.
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