The Ireland Chapter of Project Management Institute (PMI) today announced a 66% increase in investment in their partnership with BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition (BTYSTE), which will provide up to €60,000 of expert-led project management training for teachers of BTYSTE finalists.

Following the successful launch of the programme last year, fully-funded training will now be provided for up to 120 teachers, in advance of BTYSTE at the RDS in January 2018.

Approximately 60 teachers benefited from last year’s training. On completion, the Ireland Chapter of PMI saw a 10% uptake in their ongoing TY Project Management Module provided to Irish secondary schools. The investment addresses the need for project management skills among students, and enables young scientists and entrepreneurs to commercialise their ideas, bringing their innovations to reality.

Speaking about the continuation of the training programme, PMI Educational Foundation Liaison Officer, Jackie Glynn said: “We are taken aback with the level of interest among teachers in Irish second level institutions to learn, and be able to provide project management training to their students. These skills are vital, no matter your profession, and are critical in today’s modern world where everyone is either part of a project team or leader of a project.”

Co-founder of the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition, Dr. Tony Scott added: “We are delighted that the Ireland Chapter of PMI is continuing to volunteer their time to provide expert and practical training. BTYSTE is, at its core, a platform through which students can explore original ideas that have the possibility to develop into successful businesses. Project management is a foundational skill that helps meets this goal.”

Teachers of BTYSTE finalists are now invited to attend one of three training days. They take place in Dublin on Wednesday, November 8; in Cork on Thursday, November 9; and in Galway on Friday, November 10. Enquiries can be made by emailing:

The PMI is the world’s leading not-for-profit professional membership association for the project management profession, spearheading project management certification, education, research and training.

Membership of the Ireland Chapter of PMI has grown by 26% in the past 12 months, to over 1,300 members. There are currently over 50,000 employed in project management across Ireland, in sectors such as IT, public sector, construction, pharmaceuticals, professional services, financial services and manufacturing.

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