We know that networking may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is important to devote some time to promoting you and your business. Establishing good business connections and friendships is vital to you and your company’s success and development. We’ll talk you through the top techniques you can use for valuable networking.



Attend events, conferences and workshops, or join associations and business chambers, as long as they make sense for your business. Remember that membership isn’t always a prerequisite, so choose carefully whether you become a member, or attend a few select events instead.


Your Reputation Precedes you

Regular attendance at events increases your visibility. You will come to recognise familiar faces and establish more connections. It is important to invest in a thought-leadership strategy prior to attending networking events. At Springboard PR, we define thought-leadership as an organisation or individual who is recognised by their peers as an authority in a specific field. This can be achieved through blogging, and through exposure in the traditional media. To find out more about how Springboard can help you to develop thought-leadership, click HERE


Be Engaged

At networking events, it is always important to arrive early. It will give you a greater opportunity to introduce yourself and get to know people. Ask questions and avoid any sales pitches or overselling. If someone asks you what you do, make sure you have a clear and brief explanation ready and have a business card to exchange. Ensure that you follow up with any connection made as soon as possible. Connect with them on LinkedIn, or send an email, and where appropriate, arrange for a short business coffee or lunch.


Be accessible and visible offline

Although you may have passed on your business card, you can’t always assume that everyone will remember what you do. Update your LinkedIn so that anyone who wishes to find you afterward can do so. We also advise our clients to add their LinkedIn page to their business cards. If it’s not the right time for your new contact to reach out to you in a business capacity, they can add you to their online network and you will have established a connection for any future possibilities. For more tips on LinkedIn, see HERE










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Susie founded Springboard in 2011, and has developed the business into a leading, director-led communications agency. She has worked for over 20 years in senior marketing and public relations roles.

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