Laya Healthcare – The Great Reset Campaign
Springboard Communications was delighted to partner with laya healthcare on The Great Reset: A Brave New Era of Work and Wellbeing, which was shortlisted for the Best Public Relations Campaign Award at the 2021 All Ireland Marketing (AIM) Awards, organised by The Marketing Institute of Ireland.
In September 2020, laya healthcare, Ireland’s largest provider of health and wellbeing, launched its The Great Reset: A Brave New Era of Work and Wellbeing research. The report revealed the findings of the largest-ever research carried out among Irish employees and HR leaders into the challenge of the century, COVID-19.
The objectives for Springboard’s communications campaign were:
- To highlight how laya healthcare is leading the health and wellbeing conversation in Ireland as companies continue to adapt to evolving working models, with insight led content and information.
- To build laya healthcare’s profile as health and wellbeing experts.
- To increase and drive traffic to download laya healthcare return to work assets.
Springboard worked closely with laya healthcare’s team to deliver this campaign, using the following core Springboard Communications services:
Our activities included:
- Developing a national communications strategy for the launch of the research
- Building a critical path
- Developing core messaging for laya healthcare around the research
- Co-ordination and development of a digital media pack.
- Drafting a media release
- Identification of key media targets and outreach
- Thought-leadership development, including interview management and copywriting of articles
We achieved national coverage for the research, and exceeded all KPIs, with interviews and features secured in national and local media. A total reach of over 2 million across key media targets was achieved, with over 30 pieces of coverage.
- Key coverage included:
- Interview on RTÉ Radio 1’s Morning Ireland — with a listenership of 491,000 — the day of the launch
- Interview on Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show
- Interview in the Irish Examiner
- Irish Independent article on top tips on working from home
If you would like more information on how Springboard Communications can help you meet your communications objectives, contact info@springboardcommunications.ie
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