Visual content is 40x more likely to be shared and social media giants like Facebook have amended their algorithms to ensure that visual content appears higher on viewers’ news feeds. With these facts in mind, Springboard PR & Marketing always advises their clients to include visual content where possible. With 74% of Facebook users, 67% of Snapchat users and 48% of Instagram users accessing their accounts daily (according to IpsosMRBI), it is vital to include fresh content across your platforms. We’ve compiled this handy guide to help you to freshen up your messaging with video content. Here’s what you need to know.

Why is video content important?


How can I film video?

Nowadays, any good quality android or iPhone will do the trick for basic everyday video content. Make sure that you turn your phone on its side so that the format is visually appealing when you upload it afterwards. If you don’t have time for video content, you can download a number of free apps which allow you to create mini montages from your photos, or “boomerang” images.


Read our Top Tips for creating visual content here


Where can I use video content?

You can use video content on your social media, your email marketing campaigns or on your website.


Why should I use video content in emails?

Video is a useful tool to increase open rates on emails. According to Hubspot, using video in an email subject line increased open rates by 19% and click through rates by 65%. However, you should try to ensure that this content is valuable to audiences because if with content that is irrelevant, you run the risk of disengaging your audience.


Here’s how you can improve your email marketing


What kind of video content should I use?

There are a multitude of applications for video content and it can be used in many different ways depending on your audience, the key message and your business goals. Here are some of the ways that you could use video for your brand:


  • Hot topics/ Q&A/ Interviews
  • Performances/ Tutorials/ Demos
  • Behind the scenes
  • Breaking news
  • Answer questions about/from an event
  • Product demonstrations.
  • How-to
  • Mini-explainer videos


How long should my videos be?

Video content is best used in short format, the shorter the better! You should try to limit your video length to a maximum of two minutes as viewers can get bored after this period. That is, of course, unless you are live streaming from a popular event.


So what about live video?

Live video content is becoming increasingly more popular, with Facebook live allowing users to create, stream, interact and watch video content in real time. Your followers will receive notifications when you go live so they may tune in for the broadcast.

It is helpful to remember these top tips when you are streaming live video:

  • Give your audience 24 hours notice to notify them of the live feed.
  •  Ask for questions or topics in advance on all your social media so that you can anticipate the top questions.
  • Videos can be up to 90 minutes long, but you should live stream for a minimum of 10 minutes for maximum effect.


Check out our full guide to Facebook Live here.


How can I maximise video content?


Share your video content across all platforms for maximum effect. If you produce a longer live feed, ensure that your tools allow it to be saved for post-shoot editing. You can then create a series of mini videos. Prior to uploading any video content, customise it if you can by including a company logo, or overlaying it with text if it is going to be shared on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.


With these top tips in mind, you can refresh your content marketing strategy. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter



Post by
Susie founded Springboard in 2011, and has developed the business into a leading, director-led communications agency. She has worked for over 20 years in senior marketing and public relations roles.

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