You can create the greatest content in the world, but if you have a scarce audience, how can you expect that content to reach the masses? On social media platforms like Twitter, sometimes growing your followers can be difficult and all too often we don’t focus on this enough. However, followers are vital to help spread and share creative content. So how can you broaden your network on Twitter? At Springboard PR & Marketing we give you 5 steps to help you to increase your Twitter followers.


Use hashtags at events

Nowadays every industry event has a specific hashtag. Make sure you start using it. These hashtags are the perfect way to connect with and engage industry leaders, brands, businesses and more. Don’t just tweet into thin air, make sure to respond to others with retweets, likes and mentions. These are all fantastic ways for you to meet others who are interested in what you offer and are likely to follow you and build your audience on Twitter.


Be consistent in your posting

Your followers will become disenchanted with you if you post too infrequently. They are also unlikely to continue following you if your content is poor or irrelevant. Ensure that at all times your content is true to the brand. Similarly, potential new followers will not like your page if your last post was six weeks ago. Ensure that you post consistently on Twitter, encouraging engagement with current followers and increasing your reach to new followers.


 Read our guide to scheduling content here

Use your Twitter handle

Make sure that fans and followers know where and how to find you. Your most active followers on Facebook and LinkedIn may also be on Twitter, but they won’t know to find you unless you tell them. Post your Twitter handle across social media platforms and on any marketing collateral, including brochures, posters, pull-ups, business cards and presentations.


Check out the competition

If you are wondering why you only have 12 followers and the competition has 12,000, maybe you should start looking at what they are doing differently. Start by looking at:

  • Followers- Who are they following? What influencers? What media? Who else?
  • Twitter lists- What do they have lists for? Clients? Suppliers? How do they interact with these different people?
  • Hashtags- What hashtags go they use that are relevant to your industry? Are you using these?

Analyse their tactics and see if there is anything that you should be doing. Don’t just copycat but adjust their tactics to your audience and goals.


Follow others

If you want to be followed, sometimes you need to start the following. Twitter suggests new follows that you may be interested in, and at Springboard, we always advise our clients to follow relevant industry organisations, media, journalists, influencers, industry leaders and more. This is a great way to increase your Twitter followers by engaging with others and they may choose to follow you or retweet your posts if you do the same.


With these 5 steps, you can kick-start your networking strategy and increase your Twitter followers. Always remember that a strong follower base is the key to engagement with your brand. For more top tips follow us on Twitter @Springboard_PR


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Susie founded Springboard in 2011, and has developed the business into a leading, director-led communications agency. She has worked for over 20 years in senior marketing and public relations roles.

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