Companies that blog have 55% more visitors to their website. This fact highlights how effective blogging can be at attracting new customers. We’ve put together our top tips to help you refine your blog content and layout. You can use your refined blogging tactics to move new leads through the purchase funnel.


How to write a great blog post

At Springboard PR, we know that sometimes it can be hard to decide what you want to write about. That’s why we always advise our clients to consider their strengths. Know your audience and write helpful information relevant to them. For example a “How-To” blog, or simple information on key topics within your business or industry.


Increase engagement with amazing visual content

Visual content is 40x more likely to be shared. You should make sure that your audience is not bombarded with text, but that the content is broken up with images. There are many types of visuals you can use to brighten up your blog post.


Read our visual content guide here


Create a clear blog post structure

B2C businesses that blog receive 88% more leads. You should help these new leads to digest your content easily by creating a simple and effective blog structure.

  • Make best use of headings and sub-headings.
  • Increase your readability with shorter sentences.
  • Use bulleted lists.

All of these will help to break up the text, and increase the blog post’s visual appeal.



Share your blog post on social media

At Springboard PR we always advise our clients to share their blog posts on social media. Blogging is a powerful tool through which you can connect with your audience. Promote it on Facebook and Twitter. B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads. It makes sense that you should maximise on this blogging content with a bigger business audience by sharing it on LinkedIn too. Don’t forget to include widgets which make it easy for your readers to share.


Use Google Analytics to measure your blog post response

Make sure that your blog is optimised for SEO. Once you start working in your keywords, you should begin to see an impact.


Get our Beginners SEO guide here


At Springboard PR we always suggest to our clients to regularly check Google Analytics to evaluate both your SEO and your blogging content.


Discover 3 content marketing metrics you should be using here



If you want to build brand awareness and increase leads for your business, email our Springboard PR & Marketing team today at




Post by
Susie founded Springboard in 2011, and has developed the business into a leading, director-led communications agency. She has worked for over 20 years in senior marketing and public relations roles.

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