Over half of Irish people do not consider sustainable travel when choosing a holiday, according to a national RED C survey conducted on behalf of leading independent travel specialists, Travel Counsellors Ireland.

The nationally representative survey of over 1,000 adults found one of the main barriers preventing people considering sustainable travel (actively making a positive impact on the environment, culture, and economy of the places we visit) was that it’s too expensive (24%). Just under half of respondents (47%) revealed a further barrier is not understanding what sustainable travel is. The survey results come as Travel Counsellors Ireland launches Go Greener, its online sustainable tourism accreditation in collaboration with global charity, the Travel Foundation. 

General Manager at Travel Counsellors Ireland, Cathy Burke said: “People are more aware about sustainability in their day-to-day lives, and how they can make a difference. However, when it comes to sustainable travel, a lot of people are unsure about how they can contribute. Making a conscious decision to buy local and therefore providing income earning opportunities for local people is one way; or choosing excursions that respect local cultures and wildlife, or simply reusing towels to reduce water and energy consumption.

“Interestingly, 62% of females under 25 did say sustainable travel would be one of the factors they consider when choosing a holiday. This means the sustainable tourism message is definitely being circulated amongst the younger demographic, and our aim at TravelCounsellors is to ensure that this message is spread even further, so that people consider the local environment as part of their holiday and use tourism as a force for good.”

The online sustainable tourism accreditation through the Travel Foundation’s Go Greener programme provides the 75 Travel Counsellors operating in Ireland with the tools to add sustainable tourism to their business portfolio. It’s part of Travel Counsellors’ ongoing commitment to work closely with suppliers to offer sustainable travel options to their customers.

To find more about Travel Counsellors’ new sustainable travel initiative, contact your local Travel Counsellor at travelcounsellors.ie.

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