Post-pandemic, employee morale, staff retention, and talent acquisition, are some of the most prevalent challenges organisations face. Never has it been more important to stand out in a crowded market and creating and communicating a compelling proposition as to why someone would want to work for you. Figuring out that “why” and using it to create your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is an essential first step. Read our blog on how to create an effective EVP here.  

Once that work is completed, it now needs to be communicated. This is sometimes where we see the missing link emerge between what is communicated internally and what is communicated externally. Too often, these activities can be siloed but we are strong advocates of using a mixternal approach. As well as being an efficient use of resources, this approach can increase the impact, visibility and credibility of a campaign.  

What is a mixternal approach?  

PR Week describe mixternal communications as “an integrated approach that combines both internal and external audiences, such as employees and customers, through a coordinated content, messaging, and channel strategy”. 

Most companies have a separate function for their internal and external dealings. However, a mixternal strategy can be formulated internally, shared, and later utilised externally to promote a positive brand reputation. This mixternal approach can be tackled through creating an owned, earned, and paid strategy, aimed at improving employee retention and satisfaction alongside bolstering company reputation amongst potential recruits.  

It’s not rocket science, but NASA still use it.  

Another great example of a mixternal campaign is Electronic Arts’ (EA) games company’s ‘InsideEA’ YouTube Channel, where the company posts videos of employees, game players, and customers discussing the importance of different subjects such as climate change, mental health, and PRIDE.  

According to an online corporate review company, 70% of employee reviews were positive, ranking EA’s corporate culture in the Top 30% of 1823 similar sized companies.   

Where should I start? 

  • Start with the messaging 

Consistent and aligned messaging throughout internal and external communications strengthens brand integrity, trust and increases employee engagement.  

Through our dedicated strategy service, The Strategy Hub, we work with our clients to create tailored messaging that can be disseminated to all current and potential employees.  

  • Reduce internal barriers  

To ensure nothing is missed, relook at how your organisation shares information internally. Consider introducing new structures to support increased knowledge-sharing and collaboration. This could be regular meetings or looking at your internal content funnel across teams.  

Through our strategy-first, people-focused offering, The Internal Wire, we help companies build a mixternal policy that works for them.  

  • Utilise User and Employee Generated Content (UGC) 

Authentic experiences will resonate with people – by enhancing your humanity as an organisation, you can strengthen the relationship your company has with its customers and employees.  

According to a recent Stackla Survey, Consumers are 2.4x more likely to say that UGC is an authentic form of marketing in comparison to brand-created content. The impact of UGC in today’s industry is unmatched, with 79% of people surveyed saying UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions. 

By highlighting positive stories sourced directly from both customers and employees, consumers are more likely to feel they are receiving an authentic look inside your business.  

For more information about how to improve your mixternal communications, contact 

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