In April 2019, global recruiting and consulting company Oxford Global Resources wanted to announce 25 new jobs as it celebrated 25 years at its European headquarters in Cork. The objectives for Springboard’s communications campaign were:

  • Raise the profile of Oxford in Ireland.
  • Build a positive employer brand to drive recruitment.
  • Position key Oxford executives as thought-leaders nationally.


Springboard worked closely with Oxford’s team in Cork, its American head office and its parent company, ASGN, to deliver this multi-faceted campaign using the following core Springboard services:

Our activities included:

  • Crafting and implementing a national communications strategy for the launch.
  • Developing core messaging for Oxford in Cork — local resources and support, thriving tech sector, key opportunities for FDI, etc.
  • Secure and brief key dignitaries for the launch event attended by local, national and international stakeholders including An Tánaiste Simon Coveney, the IDA and Cork Chamber.
  • Thought-leadership development for key personnel.
  • Management and copywriting of a strategic radio and online advertising campaign to drive recruitment.
  • Management of sponsored posts strategy and content for LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Securing both sponsored and organic media reporting.


  • National coverage of the jobs announcement and launch event as well as interviews and features with key Oxford personnel secured in national, online and local media.
  • Delivery of strategic organic social strategy and content for Oxford’s global platforms.
  • Delivery of sponsored posts strategy and content for LinkedIn and Facebook, resulting in 96,788 total link impressions, and 888 total link clicks to a dedicated recruitment landing page over the two-week campaign.
  • Copywriting and management of Irish Examiner native article that resulted in page views of 2,858 and total impressions of 1,289,835.

If you would like more information on how Springboard Communications can help you meet your communications objectives, contact

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