5 things to post at Amplify Digital Conference
Attending an event is a great opportunity to create content for your social media. Whether it is a conference, breakfast briefing, company or networking event, it is a good idea to leverage your attendance and capitalise on the social buzz. As we’re heading to Amplify Digital Conference tomorrow, we thought we’d share our tips with you on how to maximise engagement for your social media accounts.
1. Start Today
Let people know you are attending the event, it is likely that the organisers of the event, or other attendees will share your posts and engage with you. Some ideas for posting include:
- Boomerang your tickets on instagram
- Tweet the event organiser saying you are looking forward to the event
- Tag other known attendees in your posts
- Post a picture of the team members who will be attending on your Facebook profile
2. Use the event hashtag
If there is an event hashtag, use it. It means that your posts will be visible to people searching for that hashtag and it will help you to reach a broader audience.
When tweeting or Instagramming at Amplify, ensure you use: #AmplifyDigi
3. Retweet!
A quick way to engage with others and ensure a stream of content to your Twitter profile is to retweet others who are posting about the conference. If you have time, quote the tweet soar to add value to each post. This activity is very positive for your profile and can help you reach followers who may be interested in what you have to say.
4. Use visual content
Share photos and video content, tagging relevant people in the imagery. Be diverse n your content and alter it across the various social media platforms. Visual content can include:
- Marketing collateral
- Goody bags
- Presentations,
- Speakers’ slides
- Key persons at the event and more.
5. Engage with those involved
It is always a good idea to tweet at organisers/guest speakers at an event. Simple ways to acknowledge them is to share a slide from their presentation, thank them for a wonderful event or praise the delivery & content of their speech.
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