5 Top Tips On Effective Communications For Launching Your Greenway

Greenways are visionary urban regeneration projects that are transforming regions by connecting communities, boosting local economies, and providing much needed pedestrian/ cycle routes. This year alone saw the launch of the Royal Canal Greenway and Limerick Greenway while in 2022 and beyond, there are many more in the pipeline. Maria Tracey, Client Director at Springboard Communications has put together her top tips, following her work on the Waterford, Limerick and Royal Canal Greenways, to assist in the launch of your upcoming tourism project. 

Have a strong strategy  

Greenway launches are huge integrated multi-media campaigns. Nail down your strategy goals, name, messaging and branding early so that you can weave it through everything as you go along, from signage to videography; maps to media release.

Aim high

Don’t be humble – your Greenway is a huge investment and worthy of national attention. Our media work on Greenways have dominated media platforms and trended on social media. For the Waterford Greenway, #WaterfordGreenway was trending for four days on Twitter around the official opening. You can read more about that campaign HERE

Be agile

 Greenways are complex projects with many moving parts. Delays happen, dates change, and unpredictable events like the pandemic can happen. Make sure your launch plan is agile enough to pivot when the unpredictable happens. 

Due to Covid-19 restrictions in February 2021, we worked with the team behind the Royal Canal Greenway to adapt launch activity in line with guidelines. This included pivoting from a physical launch to a virtual one, which was received with great success. You can read more about this launch HERE.

Identify local champions

The people who will benefit the most from the Greenway are often the best advocates for it too. Identify media and social media savvy people in your community who can champion the Greenway and all its benefits both offline and online. 

Get your photos and video right 

The imagery of your Greenway is what will catch the public’s eye. Make sure you capture the natural beauty of your Greenway — those unique selling points such as tunnels, viaducts, and castles, and the towns people will pass through. Make sure your imagery is inclusive too — families, wheelchair users, older people and pets. Create a bank of video and photographs where everyone can see themselves enjoying your Greenway. View more on how this worked for the Limerick Greenway HERE

Alan and Lisa Ruttle with their children Sarah (10), Emma Noreen (5) and Will (2) at Barnagh on the Limerick Greenway. REPRO FREE. Credit Seán Curtin, True Media.

We understand that the launch of a Greenway can be a huge undertaking for any county, and I would be delighted to talk to you and answer any queries. 

Feel free to get in touch with me at maria@springboardcommunications.ie or at +353.83 1917314. 



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